J & J Dechane Diasyn 10x10 Tabs

J & J Dechane Diasyn 10x10 Tabs

J & J Dechane Herbo-Sulph 10x10 Tabs

J & J Dechane Herbo-Sulph 10x10 Tabs

J & J Dechane Grandi-Co

Combination of ayurvedic drugs well known for their stimulant action on the heart and diuretic action.
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J & J Dechane Grandi-Co
Each uncoated tablet contains: Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - 103 mg. Purnarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) - 120 mg. Asgandh (Withania somnifera) - 87mg. Khurasani ajwan (Hyoscyamus niger) - 0.66mg. Hridpatri (Digitalis purpurea) - 48.3mg. Sunth (Zingiber officinale) - 15.3mg. Pharmacology: Arjuna, Asgandh and Punarnava have tonic action on the heart and are useful diuretics. Khurasani has a mild sedative action, but it stimulates the heart. Hridpatri is used as a cardiac tonic. Sunth is a carminative and stimulant.
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