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Baidyanath Dadimavaleha 200ml

Baidyanath Dadimavaleha 200ml

Baidyanath Dadimavaleha 450ml

Baidyanath Dadimavaleha is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides profits such as; Promotes to relax diarrhea and dysentery. Also promotes in cure fever with diarrhea, bleeding disorders,likeas ulcerative colitis, adbominal colic.
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Baidyanath Dadimavaleha 450ml

Product Type - Ayurvedic Medicine
Used For - Cure fever with diarrhea, bleeding disorders,likeas ulcerative colitis, adbominal colic.
Brand - Baidyanath
Product Description - Baidyanath Dadimavaleha is herbal medicine which is beneficial and provides profits such in cure fever with diarrhea, bleeding disorders,likeas ulcerative colitis, adbominal colic.
Key Ingredients - Dadimasvarasa, Jatiphala, Marica, Tejapatra,Tavak,Lavanga, Shunti, Pippali, Sarkara, Pomegranate, Glycerine, Carmocine colour.
Side effects - No side effects reported
Dose / Direction for Use - As directed by Register Medical Practitioner/ Mentioned on product.

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