Baidyanath Urostone

Baidyanath Urostone

Baidyanath Dadurin Ointment

Baidyanath Dadurin Ointment

Baidyanath Charmarogari Ointment

Baidyanath Charmarogari Ointment is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides profits.
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Baidyanath Charmarogari Ointment 15g
Product Type - Ayurvedic Medicine
Brand - Baidyanath
Used For - Baidyanath Charmarogari Ointment is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides profits,It is Used In Scabies, Inches, Ulcers And Other Skin Diseases. Pack Size 15 Gram
Ingredients-Zinc Oxide,Benzyl Benzoate,Benzyl acetate.
Dose- for external use only.