Baidyanath Triphala Churna 60gm

Baidyanath Triphala Churna 60gm

Baidyanath Ashwagandha Churna 100g

Baidyanath Ashwagandha Churna 100g

Amla Churna

Baidyanath Amla Churna is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides profits such as work in an active eyes, hairs, nails, blood, bones, heart, digestion, liver, pancreas, and immune system. It is an antioxidant; promotes detoxification and helps normal internal/bowl cleansing and manages regularity. It avoids Pitta from the system, formulates digestive fire and promotes vitality. It is protective for long-duration usage.
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Amla Churna
Amla Churna is herbal medicine which is benificial and provides profits such as work in an active eyes, hairs, nails, blood, bones, heart, digestion, liver, pancreas, and immune system. It is an antioxidant; promotes detoxification and helps normal internal/bowl cleansing and manages regularity. It avoids Pitta from the system, formulates digestive fire and promotes vitality. It is protective for long-duration usage.
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